What are the dangers of an inharmonious sexual life? The health-promoting function of a harmonious sex life

You mean "struggle at the end of the bed." What are the dangers of an inharmonious sexual life?Sex life is a great bridge for couples to improve their relationship? The disharmonious sex life of couples can cause many damages. First of all, it affects the intimate relationship between husband and wife and can also lead to a variety of diseases. What problems can be caused by disharmony in sex life?

What are the dangers of an inharmonious sexual life?


1.Sexual dysfunction occurs.


Disharmony in sex life affects the enjoyment of the sex life of husband and wife and affects the intimate relationship between husband and wife. In severe cases, it can lead to sexual dysfunction in one or both spouses and even a crisis in married life. Long-term disharmonious sex life can also harm men and make them prone to impotence, premature ejaculation, and chronic prostate disease. It can also cause them psychological harm and hurt their self-esteem, self-confidence, and trust in their lovers.

2. Causes pharyngitis in men.

Sexual disharmony and male pharyngitis is a seemingly irrelevant problem. However, Israeli medical researchers found in a dynamic follow-up of the health of 10,000 men: Within five years, the number of people suffering from pharyngitis increased A common reason was found among the male groups. Their marriage quality is very poor, and their wives have no tenderness towards them. A happy and satisfying sex life brings more than mental pleasure.

3. Causing breast lobular hyperplasia and breast cancer.

If the sex life is not harmonious, for example, the orgasm is not well aroused, then the breast engorgement will be slower to disappear, and there may be breast pain and breast discomfort. In fact, this is caused by breast engorgement and is one of the reasons for breast hyperplasia - frequent engorgement will inevitably lead to structural disorders of the breast.

If there is a long-term lack of sex life, the breast as a sexual organ can not be stimulated by sexual excitement for a long time, and the structure and function of the breast can not be well "trained". It can also prevent the physiological growth and involution of the breast from proceeding smoothly, increasing the hyperplasia of the breast.

Harmonious sexual life has 6 health care functions

1. Exercise.

Sex is equivalent to jogging. If you have sex 3 times a week, it is equivalent to jogging 75 kilometers in a year, and the heat energy burned is 7,500 calories. Having sex regularly can boost your metabolism. Some people say that sex is an exercise in bed. During sex, breathing is unconsciously deepened, increasing the amount of oxygen in the cells and promoting the function of various organs and tissues in the body. There seems to be some basis for this.

What are the dangers of an inharmonious sexual life

2.Increase in hormone secretio

Men secrete a hormone called deoxyandromanone every day, and men also need to supplement this kind of androgen regularly, because this is the only way to maintain male characteristics. During sex, especially before orgasm and ejaculation, the natural release of this hormone is 3 to 5 times higher than usual. Therefore, many men in the West do not take drugs to supplement the hormone but hope that the body can naturally release such manhood. Hormones. In women, estrogen can help them have good blood circulation. Women who have a regular sex life have much higher estrogen levels than women who only have sex occasionally.Occasional sexual stimulation can increase hormone secretion. PHANXY can bring you a wonderful experience.

 What are the dangers of an inharmonious sexual life?

3.Reduce stress and protect your mind from youthfulness

Now that work is scarce, many people want to reduce stress. Clubbing, fitness, and ball games are modern people's choices for stress relief. In fact, sex in a good mood is the most effective way to relieve mental stress for both men and women. But if you're overworked, stressed at work, and not in the mood to make love because it also uses up energy, don't force it when you have no energy. According to Japanese medical research, proper sex helps prevent brain aging and boosts metabolism, delaying the rate of memory loss.

4. Relieve pain 

Having sex (especially during sexual orgasm) can relieve pain, joint pain, lower back pain, and headaches caused by trauma. Sexual arousal and endorphins released during sexual orgasm can improve the ability to tolerate pain.

5.Protect the prostate

Regular ejaculation in sexually mature men can help eliminate the buildup of prostatic fluid in the prostate gland. Every time you ejaculate, 1/5 consists of semen, and 4/5 consists of seminal fluid, including a large amount of prostatic fluid. When there is no ejaculation for a long period, old prostatic fluid accumulates in the prostate. However, it should be noted that sex life should not be excessive because frequent sex life puts the penis in a state of chronic congestion, which leads to prostatic hypertrophy or swelling and is prone to chronic prostatitis.


 6.Reduce the incidence of skin diseases and promote beauty.


Poor blood circulation to the skin can cause skin diseases such as acne and acne. And moderate sex will speed up blood circulation, balance metabolism, make skin smooth and soft, and play a role in preventing and treating skin diseases. In Scotland, the Royal Edinburgh Hospital conducted a 10-year follow-up study of 3,500 people (aged 18 to 102) in Europe and the United States and found that 25% of how people look is due to heredity and 75% is due to behavior. Behavior includes three factors: physical exercise and psychological activities, sex. It can be said that regular sex makes people look more beautiful, but the opposite is not necessarily true.

Harmonious sex life has 6 health-promoting functions.Phanxy brings you a harmonious sex life from six aspects.